“Al-Badr Smart System” offers you the service of designing and hosting e-websites for individuals and companies, it aims to make the designs attractive, stylish, serve the purpose for which they were designed and be able to be shown on the modern devices and Smart Phones.
Al-Badr Smart System Designing and programming the websites with new and creative ideas to make your website more flexible and efficient, and that by using the latest programming languages and the newest designing programs.
Our company is specialized in developing of websites, applications and smart software. It is also specialized in services of identity designing for companies, designing websites, servers and websites hosting and domain booking.
The services we offer for any website:
- Booking your domain by the website name as “www.yourname.com”.
- Setting up a control panel for the website content to add or modify the content.
- Adding the website to the world searching engines as “Google” and “Ping”.
- The website will be compatible with the searching engine optimization rules “SEO” and also appears in the advanced results of searching engines.
- Contacting model and a main information page.
- An e-mail with the name of your website as”info@yourname.com”.
- Social networking pages for the website on (Facebook – Twitter – Google plus – YouTube – Instagram…….).
- The new:Designing websites to be suitable for smart phones, tablets and android devices.
The company also presents many offers for its customers:
Prefabricated websites:
Prefabricated designs for websites from which you can choose your preferred designs “works” and the company will set up the entire website for you.
<The advantages of prefabricated websites:
- You can edit the template at any time or modify it.
- Prefabricated websites are considered a great thing to start a new website
- The websites designing is responsive and suitable for all screens types
- Prefabricated websites are multi-languages.
- A lot of designs to suit all different activities.
<h2style=”color: #3b5998;” >Personal websites:
Designing websites for individuals which are characterized by their own distinctive characteristic besides choosing the design and the preferred colors. We can also design the website logo
The advantages of personal websites
- The possibility of adding infinite information from sections
- Infinite number of articles and blogs
- Adding the biography
- Linking the website to the social media
- A direct communication with followers and the possibility of replying on their comments
- A multi-language control panel to control the personal website
Companies’ websites:
Designing your own company website with a distinctive design for the company which will reflect the company activity. The website contains a definition for the company activity, the services which it offers to its customers and how they can communicate with it as well as Booking international domains for commercial companies according to the target countries they deal with.
The advantages of Companies websites :
- We design the these websites to be compatible with searching engines and this help to be in the first search results
- Allowing your customers to send their inquiries 24 hours a day and the possibility to answer them at anywhere
- The fast growth and opening of new markets
- Evaluating your products and following up your customers’ opinions about them
- Giving alerts to your customers about every new product without calling them
- Adding and managing your products.
News websites
News websites are designed for newspapers, magazines, news agencies and journalists to show the latest news and articles on the websites with an easy way for making it possible to edit the news, revise and publish it.
Making references to writers and editors to add articles and news or publish it after the newspaper administration revise it. The company also gives an ownership certificate to register its website at the Saudi Ministry of Information.
“Al-Badr Smart System”designs and programs the news websites and online magazine with distinctive designs which are suitable for the magazine requirements and are easy to be browsed by visitors.
The advantages of news websites:
- Designing a distinctive professional interface for the online magazine
- A moving slider for the most important news
- A news tape for the urgent and the important news
- Displaying the website sections according to the desire of the editing chief and the possibility of modifying them at any time
- An easy use Arabic control panel for uploading and editing articles and images
- A media library to use images and make a pictorial archive
- Supporting searching engines and appearing in search results on Google
- Designing applications for “Android and I Phone” for the online magazine.
- Our company also gives an ownership letter to register its website at the Saudi Ministry of Information
- The company also issues a certificate of ownership of the website for licensing it as an electronic newspaper in the Ministry of Culture and Information of Saudi Arabia.
Some of our customers:
“Esdaa Watani” online newspaper
“Al-Mowaten Al Youm” online newspaper
Schools Websites:
The websites of schools and educational Institutions are for publishing the latest educational news, the school subjects and to communicate with students
The advantages of schools websites:
- A distinctive design for the school website
- The possibility of adding articles and news
- The possibility of uploading images and videos
- A domain (.com / .edu) with the name of the school
- An e-mail with the name of the school
- Giving the school the needed training and supporting to know how to use the website control panel in Arabic.
- Adding the website to the world searching engines as (yahoo / Google)
- A school forum for the discussions and inquiries of students and their parents
- The possibility of communicating the students and their parents with the school through the website.

No hosting or designing for those website which Contravene the Islamic Low