If you have an institution or your own activity which offers services to customers or institutions, surely you need to have some proper ways to market your institution or the service which your activity gives. A suitable smart phone application will help you to do that and also to communicate directly with those customers who are interested in your activity.
These applications will help you to communicate with these institutions, companies and individuals to improve the quality of your service and to receive their comments and complains if they are existed and to expand your services for increasing your sales.
You can also increase your profits by adding ad space in your personal application or subscribing to Google AdSense.
“Al-Badr Smart System” offers you services of programming and designing applications for Android and I Phone to reach the biggest part of internet users with new services and developed ideas.
If you have an idea about your own smart phone application, our company will help you to carry out this idea immediately because application designing is one of the many services which we offer. We can carry out these ideas with a developed way.
These applications are supplied with the latest techniques of developed software to be compatible with the latest technology which existed today.