Website of “PASS MRCP”:

It’s the British Fellowship of Internal Medicine which is a joint fellowship among:
• The Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh.
• The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow.
• Royal College of Physicians, London.
The test of MRCP plays an important and main role in the totally educational experiment and the continuous professional development for physicians in the UK. It’s a main requirement for those physicians who seek for a training in one of the medical specialties in the UK.

It includes the following specialties:

  • Dermatology​
  • Endocrinology and Diabetes​
  • Gastroenterology​
  • Geriatric Medicine​
  • Infectious Diseases​
  • Medical Oncology​
  • Nephrology​
  • Neurology​
  • Palliative Medicine​
  • Respiratory Medicine​
  • Rheumatology​

To have the British fellowship of internal medicine, you should pass 3 tests:

  • MRCP Part 1: It’s composed of two sections, both of them takes three hours to answer some questions with multiple-choice option. These questions cover how knowledgeable and understandable are clinical science.
  • MRCP Part 2 “written”:It’s composed of three sections, each of them takes three hours to answer some questions with multiple-choice option. These questions cover diagnostic, examination and treatment of patients.
  • MRCP PACES:This test includes a group of questions about five stages which are related to the clinical examination. Each stage is put by two of the examiners.

“Al Badr Smart Systems” Company:

“Al Badr Smart Systems” Company is the one which created the website and application of “PASS MRCP” which is the specialized educational platform of the educational services of the British Fellowship.

Website of “PASS MRCP”:

It’s the only specialized educational platform in presenting educational services for the membership of the Royal College of Physicians and the British Fellowship.
Revision notes of MRCP is the only updated online curriculum for passing MRCP part 1 & 2 with 800 subjects, 350 photos and 80 guiding notes which offers 5300 questions for MRCP tests part 1 & 2. These questions will help Candidates in study and training.

The features of the website:

  • The possibility of downloading the application from (Google Play, App Store).
  • The possibility of running the application on Windows and Mac.
  • Designing a distinctive professional interface for the website which is specialized in the educational services of the British Fellowship.
  • A slider for the most important of what the website presents.
  • Displaying the sections in a distributed manner and the possibility of modifying them any time.
  • An easy use control panel for uploading and updating educational services and photos.
  • You can display a statistic for visitors’ number in the control panel.
  • Updating the fixed pages of the website by the control panel.
  • A media library for using the photos and making a pictorial achieve.
  • Supporting the searching engines and appearing in search results on Google.
  • Designing applications for Android and IPhone for the online newspaper.

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